Top Questions Asked To A Gynecologist Before And After Pregnancy


top gynecologist in kolkata

Pregnancy is a time for many physical and mental changes, and a qualified gynecologist can help resolve all your queries about the process. Know the top questions to ask to the best gynecologist in Kolkata before and after pregnancy. 

1. How many times should I have sex per week?

The number of sexual partners you have is not something you need to worry about until after conception. If you want to get pregnant, then you should wait until you are ready to conceive. You would not want to have sex while you are still ovulating. Wait until you have had your period for at least three months. Then, if you do decide to have sex, make sure you use protection. Condoms are best. However, some women find they can get pregnant even if they use condoms. In these cases, you may want to consider using birth control pills.

2. Can I drink alcohol while trying to get pregnant?

Alcohol can affect your fertility. If you drink alcohol regularly, it could decrease your chances of getting pregnant. Alcohol affects sperm production, and it is possible that drinking alcohol could prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Also, alcohol can cause dehydration, which might lead to low blood sugar levels. Low blood sugar levels can cause problems with implantation. 

3. Is it safe to eat fish during my first trimester?

Fish contains high amounts of mercury. Mercury can harm your baby. If you are worried about eating fish, talk to your doctor first. Your doctor can help you figure out what kind of fish is safest for you to eat.

4. What foods should I avoid during pregnancy?

A top gynecologist in Kolkata can help you know that avoiding certain foods can reduce your risk of having a miscarriage. Foods bad for you include caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol. These substances can increase your chance of having a miscarriage.

5. Do I need to take vitamins during pregnancy?

Vitamins are important for your body to function properly. Taking prenatal vitamins can help ensure that you get enough folic acid, vitamin B12, iron, zinc, and calcium. Prenatal vitamins are especially important if you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.

Also Read: How Does In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Work?

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