Top Questions Asked To A Gynecologist Before And After Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time for many physical and mental changes, and a qualified gynecologist can help resolve all your queries about the process. Know the top questions to ask to the best gynecologist in Kolkata before and after pregnancy. 1. How many times should I have sex per week? The number of sexual partners you have is not something you need to worry about until after conception. If you want to get pregnant, then you should wait until you are ready to conceive. You would not want to have sex while you are still ovulating. Wait until you have had your period for at least three months. Then, if you do decide to have sex, make sure you use protection. Condoms are best. However, some women find they can get pregnant even if they use condoms. In these cases, you may want to consider using birth control pills. 2. Can I drink alcohol while trying to get pregnant? Alcohol can affect your fertility. If you drink alcohol regularly, it could decrease your chances of gett...